Real people, real stories
"A big thank you to Kathryn, Mick and your great ground crew. You truly are living your purpose. Your heart felt generosity and love swept us up from the moment we arrived. The light scales have tipped, the new world is here. Life enhancing speakers, synchronised meetings with our soul families, on going plans to support each other, so much to be grateful for."
- Lorina Harris (2020)
"Absolutely life changing event, thank you so much Mick and Kathryn!!
I had no idea this would take me to a whole new level of being and living in 5D reality. I’ve already booked for December!"
- Min Freedman (2020)
"After experiencing the most epic Conference ever yet attended, well the only one since my awakening 15 years ago, but still epic beyond expectation..... I stayed on at Uluru for another week and experiencing many profound insights at these spots and visitations from entities, mostly in regards to my calling."
- Greg Makeham (2020)

Real value, real purpose
"Once again I experienced profound healing and transformation at the conference (even though I was working taking the photos). Never in my life did I imagine I would meet and fall in love with my soul tribe and learn my true soul’s purpose. Thank you Kathryn and Mick for organising this life altering event."
- Felicity Cole (2020)
"What a truly incredible trip to Uluru and Kata Tjuta!! Such an amazing experience and I felt so blessed to be with so many friends and the beautiful soul tribe at the Conference! The Ceremony was next level and I can still feel the trance like state I was in throughout this beautiful element of the event! So grateful for the opportunity to be woven into the schedule to get engaged on stage! What a gift!!! 2020 is next level and the next activation definitely just took place in Uluru and Kata Tjuta!!"
- Tim Lassig (2020)
Real awakening, real miracles
"When booking my ticket to the 2019 conference I had no idea why I was going, the only thing I had was an incredibly strong feeling that I needed to be there, and miraculously that was enough to get me there (with financial help at the very last minute- a huge blessing).
By the third day I knew exactly why I needed to be there, to hear what I needed to hear, to meet members of my soul family and connect with the amazing people who also felt drawn to the conference! Ever since the conference I've been on an intense ride of a beautiful spiritual awakening like nothing I ever even could imagine existed.
The speakers were fantastic and unique in their own way, each delivering messages we all needed to hear and understand for ourselves.
Mick and Kathryn run a life changing conference and I will forever be grateful for this experience.
Can't wait to do it all again in 2020!"
- Elise Kovacs (2019)

Real opportunities, real growth
It is an experience of a lifetime to not only go to a rock that is a huge battery for globe as well as learning, listening and being with a conference full of ascending souls... exceeded all and any expectations I had (I was aware of my vulnerability in presenting for the first time, which went much better than I'd imagined it could have).
- Monique Hill, Virgin Speaker (2019(
My life has transformed since Uluru! I met my twin flame at the Conference and since this time incredible pyschic and healing abilities have arisen and a completely new level of authentic communication and love has become the norm. Huge amounts of karma has been understood and balanced and many past lives have been made aware to me through meditation, sound healings and spiritual endeavours all revolving around the many past lives my partner and I shared. My words for this year were discernment and expansion and yet I had no idea how much could happen so quickly! Holy moley! If you had said to me that I would be where I am now only 6 months after the conference then I would have said "that is not possible!" Well when you turn to the light of God, follow the many signs, open your heart and surrender to the highest vibrational path then you will be amazed at who you really are and what you can really achieve!!!! Can't wait for 2020!!
- Tim Lassig (2019)
Real change, real connections
Enjoyed every minute of the journey. Lots of new info to dive into, shifts, expansions and new like minded friends. Much gratitude to Kathryn Hand & Mick Turner for facilitating the Cosmic Shift.
- Anna Gatsios (2018)
Thank you Mick and Kathryn. The conference was one of the best I have attended. Cannot speak highly enough of the level of speakers and presenters you attracted. The level of presentations and the amazing friendliness and love I felt form all who attended. We surely are one big happy family connected now by the Spirits of Uluru. And Wow, what a day that was, a visit to Cave Hill. A day never to be forgotten!
- Gail Nicholls (2019)

Real magic, real experiences
The energy from Uluru is beyond anything that can be described. I got so intimate with that rock, that I find myself almost speechless. From above, below and alongside, you just feel the heart of the Mother, that entered in and has returned, linking into the whole Crystalline grid, in the ever present Now. So many magical moments took place, fulfilling a deep longing. I was mourning as we left the site but felt in my heart a sense of completion that isn't fully complete, cause that is how it is best left. Until next time, Mother Arc, THANK YOU!
- Laura Eisenhower​ (2018)
I've had the most incredible experiences at Cosmic Consciousness Conference ,connecting with star families and soul tribes. ​I re-learnt the Ancient Egyptian mysteries and drank Egyptian Blue Lotus tea, had activations with the language of light, found the missing information I needed to put it all together, met Elders, shared wisdom, visited star gates and portals, met fellow warriors on the front line of this war on consciousness.
The land is sacred and so is your connection to it. Beyond everything else, the most sacred thing you have is your intuition and own guidance...The activations are waiting for you to step up and into your embodied self.
- Sarah Baiada (2018)
Real healing, real understandings
Thank you to Kathryn and Mick for the amazing Cosmic Consciousness Conference! ​I just loved the experience! I got so much out of it and met some amazing people. Its definitely activated me and opened up a whole new landscape for me! I’ve been integrating this and moved into whole new dimension, that is the 5th!!
One of the most moving experiences for me was Lindsay’s acknowledgement of past life sacrifices light workers have made. I could feel the energy of everyone in the room at that moment. I feel that powerful healing was pivotal in allowing me to connect fully with our massive global community and move into my starseed purpose with new understanding. So much is now happening at a rapid pace, and unbelievable support is coming to me to be received.
And Tracey Ash’s 5D activations - I got them!!
So It goes with out saying it is a life changing experience and I would love to come again next time!
- Leah Robinson

Real learnings, real energy
Cosmic appreciation of Who We Are. Brendan Uluki Murray, leader of the Raven Tribe shares information that is confirmed by Valerie Barrow in her Alcheringa Channelling that the part of the Rock we see is like the iceberg floating above the water. This Pleiadian Avatar is shaped like a spear that plummeted in deep to a vast ocean in the Dreamtime bringing Energy and Life to this planet... Attending the Cosmic Consciousness Conference and meeting, connecting with so many beautiful hearts 💛 Mick Turner and Kathryn Hand you are an Awesome team, facilitating a most beautiful experience for the nearly 100 participants and wonderful presenters of whom, for me, the highlights were Laura Eisenhower and Valerie Barrow. 💛
- Gemma O'Rourke
We were all overwhelmed, including John, with the power that was there at that time leading to the raising of energy through to the 13th Stargate Consciousness.
The star people were present in many ways but not en-masse yet. There is to be another Cosmic Conference to be held at Uluru in January 2019 and another in 2020 – this will be assisting preparation of the land in the Red Centre. This also correlates with the Australian Indigenous clever fellas saying there was a ceremony that took place in ancient times but was never finished – they say it is a time when (in 2020) that the Earth will be joined with the Heavens like an umbilical cord.​
- Valerie Barrow
Note: The images displayed are for visual effect. They do not represent the delegate giving the testimonial.