Sometimes our speakers come out with nuggets of gold on their social pages. So we're going to share a few here in our Blog , for prosperity. The social media world moves so fast, if you blink, you can miss the little pearls of wisdom that come across your feed.
Here's one from Agua today. Simple, clean words with deep meaning. Read each line and let it soak in to your awareness. Feel the words as they land... and listen to your subconscious response.
"We are at the beginning of something new.
As we move through these changing times, we must be easy on ourselves and be easy on one another, for we are all learning new ways of being.
We are the seeds of all the trees that will bear fruit in the future new earth that is to come.
As the world changes, so must we.
Those in alignment with this great change will instinctively and intuitively seek to co-create with a higher purpose focused on regeneration.

"Those in alignment with this great change will instinctively and intuitively seek to co-create with a higher purpose focused on regeneration."
Instead of living in fear we are preparing to flourish for any possible outcomes.
We know that we have the power to influence or create whatever timeline of reality we invest our time and energy into.
If this is you, surround yourself with other like minded creators.
Do not compromise on your truth, be relentless on your pursuit to fulfil your mission.
Plan in decades, but live in the moment.
Remind yourself that life is finite but choose to play infinite games.
Find other souls ready to scale mountains and climb together.
Spend less time focusing on the past, more time experiencing the present and creating the future.
Everything we need to know is within us, it always has and always will. For we are the book of life, the word of God encoded in our DNA.
Now is the time to start remembering the truth that was dismembered from us.
Call on it. Call it up.
Invite your ancestral memories in.
Activate the word of God within you
Do not be afraid, for you are the eternal in the present here to create the future."
: Agua-Akbal-Zizi 🌲

Agua will be joining us virtually from Portugal where he has created a sovereign community. We're looking forward to hearing from him with plenty of time for Q&A from the audience.
The Cosmic Consciousness Conference is coming up on 2-5 May 2023.
For more information see the website