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More about our speakers

Finding more about the incredible lineup of speakers at the Cosmic Consciousness?  Click on their names to read more.  In alphabetical order, our speakers are:

Dr Bryan Ardis    |    Charlotte Bellcom    |    Dr Shauna Bostock
Carrie-Anne Fields & Chris Bygraves    |     David Bumblebee     |     Robert Jameson 
Andrew Lewis     |     
Fabiene Lui     |     Cyril McKenzie     |   Doug McIntyre
Vaughan Nicol     |   Aurora Pagonis   |    Eesha Patel     |     Phoenix     |     Rufus Rogey   
Judy Satori     |     Elise & Tim - Source 88     |     Dr Clayton Spencer   
Steven & Evan Strong     |     Rachel Vaughan     |     Joanna Walden


Judy Satori - Spiritual Way Shower - Energy Healer – Galactic Ambassador

Awakening the Rainbow Serpent

Judy Satori is a sound and light energy healer, Ascension teacher and spiritual way shower, who has gained world-wide recognition for her life-changing work transmitting advanced spiritual information and transformative Light Code imprints from multi-galactic and multi-dimensional Source Creation. She speaks many different Languages of Light and can speak and translate Star Nation languages from this galaxy and beyond.

Her primary role with Spirit is the activation of human DNA potential, working at the level of the DNA template and cells of the body.

Judy’s mission is to energetically upgrade people as part of Earth and humanity’s Ascension process, so that we can be empowered to complete our own destined purpose of soul in this lifetime.

Earlier this year Judy visited Uluru with James Jereb, the visionary artist and creator of Star Dreaming in Santa Fe, who painted the image shown above of ‘Eddarasilis – Alchemy Dragon’. This painting depicts 12 rainbow dragons, who are supporting the Rainbow serpent Kuniya of the Australian First Nations Dreaming story, to rise out of the sacred, magical waterhole at Uluru to ascend to the heavens before descending back down into Uluru in the crystalline form of Eddarasalis. As the reconfigured Rainbow Serpent descends back down into the Earth she creates a rainbow bridge for Earth healing and for the alchemical transformation of humanity into bodies of greater Divine Light and wholeness.













Eddarasilis: Alchemy Dragon, by James F Jereb, PhD,

At the Cosmic Consciousness Conference Judy will provide an opportunity for you to experience the alchemy and magic of 22 Illuminated Dragons, galactic master teachers from multi-dimensional realities, who will work together with her and Source Creation to be as catalysts for your own soul expansion and the activation of your inner wisdom and abilities.

She will provide conference delegates with a unique opportunity to experience the ‘alchemical magic’ of the Illuminated Dragons. You will be ‘energetically rewired’ to receive energy input from way beyond Earth.

Judy will be working with a trinity of energies from the highest heavens, from within the Earth and from the Rainbow Serpent herself. Where better to do this than among the trinity of tors - Uluru, Kata Tjuta, and Mt Conner (Attila)!


Judy has more than 20 years of expertise, and what sets her apart from the rest is her capacity to send forth strong light codes and frequencies that promote rapid spiritual development and profound healing. Thousands of people have been impacted by her work, which has helped them on their journey to increased awareness and greater consciousness.

Join us as Judy shares her profound wisdom, offering insights and tools to help you unlock your true potential and embrace a life of joy, abundance, and spiritual fulfillment.

Join us in December to meet Judy and the dragons directly and be among the lucky few to experience this incredible transformational adventure!

Find out more about Judy's work:

Judy Satori:


Judy asc library.jpg
judy dragon.jpg

Phoenix the Mentalist

The Life-Changing Experience of Phoenix's 'Mindset' Presentation"


Have you ever witnessed someone freed from the prison of their own fears? Have you seen someone's confidence boost exponentially in front of your eyes? Have you ever felt your own mindset shift, opening up new possibilities you never imagined? These are just a few of the powerful experiences shared by attendees of Phoenix's "Mindset" presentation.


Unlike typical motivational talks, "Mindset" is a unique blend of performance, demonstration, and information that will leave you astounded and inspired. Phoenix, a master hypnotist and mentalist, showcases the incredible power of the human mind, demonstrating how a simple change in mindset can lead to profound transformations in life.


Through mind-blowing demonstrations of suggestion and powerful analogies, Phoenix will show you the untapped potential of your subconscious mind. He proves that by changing our mindsets, we have the power to change our lives for the better.


The benefits of attending "Mindset" are immeasurable. Not only will you be entertained and amazed, but you will also gain a deeper understanding of the power of your own mind. You'll leave feeling inspired and motivated, ready to take on new challenges and unlock your full potential.


There are no tricks or illusions in "Mindset"—it's a purely uplifting psychological experience that everyone should have the chance to experience.


Don't miss the opportunity to attend this life-changing presentation and discover the incredible power of your own mindset.


Not only will Phoenix be giving his keynote presentation, he will also be up on stage performing the most psychologically advanced and entertaining mentalist shows. You'll both laugh, and have your mind stretched in Phoenix's hilarious, mind-bending shows that makes you question reality!  


Carrie-Anne Fields and Chris Bygraves

Becoming SuperHuman

Re-unite with your lost multidimensional aspects who are longing for you to ’tune in’ to deliver untold wisdom, support and remind you of the enchanted adventure life on Earth truly is.  Your multidimensional selves exist both within your yang-masculine and yin-feminine structure and seek to ‘complete you’.  


If you are exhausted by seeking truth and meaning outside yourself yet you are a truth and wisdom seeker, know your sustainable connection to unending ways for decoding your current Universe is found within!  All you need is enough time spent in daydream, reflection, meditation or trance-sleep state to connect.  Bring on the inner adventures, where we get to change 3D outer reality as we form new pictures for Earthly Manifestation from within our spacial self known as the Optic Thalamus or Inner Eye Chamber.  Avatars & Creators at the ready! IT'S GO TIME.


Carrie-Anne Fields and Christopher Bygraves present you with a scientific yet mystical journey to meet untapped aspects of Self.  Bringing these aspects ‘online’, we become more powerful than a Quantum Computer, as, once activated in our 12 Strand DNA structure, and interfacing with our awakened 12 Dimensions of Consciousness, we in Human Form, become the ultimate Superpower.  When the 12 DNA strands communicates with our 12 Dimensional Selves, it multiplies to create the 144 Code, or 144 000.  The difference between the Human and AI mainframe is minimal, however, Humans possess a feeling energy body which creates propulsions of Love that AI simply cannot even fathom to align with.  It’s time Humans got in the Game and showcased their spiritual grandeur…or be overtaken by a drudge, albeit powerful, AI Force.

Chris is the author of two books, Ascending Gaia & Activating Gaia, with his third book, a poetic journey of The Great Awakening, due out this year.  Chris is a Shamanic, Sound & Inner Child Healer & Teacher, plus operates a highly successful corporate business.  Chris is adept at moving between the dimensions and interfacing with corporate bigwigs to hippy practitioners, knowing we are all ONE and SAME, and we all seek True Love.  Carrie, his longtime love partner, is the founder of My Health, a multi-faceted organisation including Yoga & Healing Academies in Australia, Italy & Online, and a subscription Healing Channel called My Health TV. Carrie is a psychologist, yoga teacher & spiritual healer with over 25 years experience.  Her courses have been translated into other languages and she has thousands of graduates all over the world who have gone on to develop their own healing centres.



Carrie and Chris

Vaughan Nicol - Ancient history expert and sacred texts researcher

Veiled Realms: Decoding Ancient Flat Earth Cosmology


Throughout ancient history, numerous cultures have depicted the world as flat, presenting cosmological models that challenge modern scientific perspectives. Sacred texts and mythologies from civilisations such as Sumeria, Babylon, and ancient Egypt often describe a flat earth encased in a celestial dome. These texts recount tales of angelic beings, Nephilim, and Titans interacting within this cosmological framework, suggesting a rich tapestry of divine and human history intertwined with a flat earth paradigm.
Additionally, lore from Lemuria, Atlantis, and the enigmatic Tartaria hints at advanced knowledge of geography and cosmology, further emphasising the prevalence of flat earth concepts. Tartaria, with its mysterious and suppressed history, offers clues that connect with these ancient narratives, painting a broader picture of our world's forgotten past. By examining these ancient texts and myths, we uncover a hidden dimension of our world's history, one that invites us to question and explore the diverse interpretations of our planet's form and structure as seen through the eyes of our ancestors.

Ancient history expert specialising in pre-flood cultures including the angelic humans, Nephilim & Titans and Lemuria & Atlantis. Vaughan researches sacred and ancient texts that provide an alternative view of our world and hidden truths. Not only is Vaughan an avid researcher, he is also an accomplished artist in his own right.  He has an indepth knowledge of colour harmonics and is a teacher of intuitive flow art. This is the second time we welcome Vaughan back to the stage at the Cosmic Consciousness Conference.

Dr Shauna Bostock - Author, Researcher, Speaker

Mycelium: Connecting Stars and Songlines

Dr Shauna Bostock is a Bundjalung woman whose research focuses on the multi-generational history of her Aboriginal ancestors. Remarkably, Shauna has traced her four Aboriginal grandparents’ family lines back to the settlement of Northern New South Wales. Placed within the context of Aboriginal and Australian history, her family history research is a chronological narrative of five generations of Aboriginal experience. She is the author of a book called Reaching Through Time: Finding My Family’s Stories (Allen & Unwin, 2023) which was published last year on the 4th of July.

Get ready to be amazed at what you will learn about the true-history of Aboriginal people in this country. A PhD and a book are certainly not the end of Shauna's research journey. Shauna is a Spiritual woman who is fascinated with the esoteric nature of Aboriginal culture. Shauna’s beloved Uncle Gerry was a kurradji, an Aboriginal shamanic healer who was taught traditional healing from a very young age. He told Shauna that spiritual people tend to look to the heavens for spiritual connection, following the principle of ‘as above, so below’ … but he also embraced the parallel principle of ‘as below, so above’.

Shauna imagines her ancestors as ‘Human Trees’, reaching up into the heavens, while simultaneously being secured by an underground root system that taps into the Songlines of Mother Earth. Scientist have discovered a whole underground network of communication and connection. Shauna is researching how humans have overlooked ‘a whole kingdom that exists hidden from our gaze’.

US funghi expert and mycologist, Paul Stamets has described mycelia as ‘a complex networks of phenomenal communicative power that strongly resemble our blood system or the neuronal connections in our brains’. In the book, Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohwelleben explains how ‘mother trees recognise and talk with their kin, shaping future generations … and these discoveries have transformed our understanding of trees from competitive crusaders of self, to members of a connected, relating, communicating system’.

Shauna can’t help but think that her ancestors were like human trees, connected to that vast neurological network of nature’. She believes that would explain a lot of the mythical elements of Aboriginal culture, and the uncanny, extroadinarily symbiotic and harmonious relationship with Mother Earth.


Charlotte Bellcom - SRA MKUltra Survivor

How the Rebels Escaped the Matrix of Mind Control


Charlotte Bellcom's journey from a childhood shrouded in secrecy and manipulation to a life dedicated to truth and healing is nothing short of extraordinary. Born into an intelligence family where secrets and lies were the norm, Charlotte's early years were marred by the dark realities of SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) and MK Ultra mind control. Now awakened to the harrowing truths of her past, Charlotte is on a mission to help others escape the pervasive grip of mind control.


In her compelling presentation, Charlotte will discuss the sinister techniques used by the media and other powerful entities to hypnotize the masses into obedient submission. She will expose how television and advertising have been used as tools to create a population of compliant, unquestioning individuals. But as we enter this critical ascension cycle, the power of these methods is waning. Many of us, whom Jason Breshears calls "Errants" and others might call mavericks or rebels, have seen through these illusions and freed ourselves from their influence.

Charlotte will explain how the media's control is no longer sufficient. However, the threat has evolved; now, thoughts can be electromagnetically pulsed into our fields. Despite this, we are seeing the truth more clearly than ever. Those of us who have activated and are utilising the extra 5 strands of DNA possess a heightened awareness and understanding that sets us apart from the rest. This ability to perceive higher dimensions—4th and 5th dimensions—grants us direct cognition and higher senses, making us more evolved and immune to conventional programming.


As a prolific researcher, Charlotte has uncovered the dark underbelly of the controllers who perpetuate these heinous acts, both on an international scale and within Australia. Her presentation promises to be mind-blowing, offering eye-opening insights into what she calls "this shit show we call the matrix."


Join Charlotte Bellcom for an empowering session that will expand your awareness and reveal the hidden truths that shape our reality.


Robert Jameson - Author, Researcher, Leyline Expert

Ancient Wisdom Embedded in the Earth's Energetic Landscape

In 1993, while in the Philippines, Robert Jameson had a pivotal encounter with a woman named Vergie. After a conversation that left her hurt by his scepticism about her religious beliefs, Robert experienced a profound moment of introspection. He pondered whether humans might be part of a larger cosmic scheme, akin to being elements in the reproductive system of a divine creator. This intriguing concept, initially bizarre, gradually took hold of his imagination.


Despite his challenges with dyslexia, Robert's fascination with this idea propelled him into the world of writing. With the advent of text-to-speech software and spell-checkers in the mid-1990s, he found the tools to express his thoughts. Over the years, this initial spark of inspiration has culminated in the publication of six books, centred around what he terms the "God Gametes Theory." This theory explores the notion that human consciousness, or the soul, might serve as a reproductive cell for a creator entity.


As Robert delved deeper into the mysteries of the universe and the interconnectedness of all things, his research led him to the study of leylines. These are invisible lines of energy that connect sacred and significant sites across the globe. His exploration of leylines has further expanded his understanding of the cosmic web, bridging the gap between his original concept of the God Gametes Theory and the ancient wisdom embedded in the Earth's energetic landscape.


Robert speaks about the ancient energy lines from around the world, their spiritual and cultural significance and how these phenomena should influence the way we think about the living planet that is our home. He tells about how his research led him to the work of Robert Coon and how Coon’s Female Great Dragon line intersects Uluru. Robert speaks about how the Bali to Bairnsdale Alignment was found and how this remarkable energy line intersects so many places of cultural, geological and historical significance on the Australian continent.


Robert also discusses his belief that energy lines here on earth are but a tiny part of a universal energy grid that interconnects life throughout the cosmos. He tells how magnetic fields are threaded through space in all directions, and water carrying comets, are evidence that conscious life on earth is part of a far greater cosmological living entity.


In addition to his literary achievements, Robert has emerged as one of Australia's leading experts on leylines, further enriching his contributions to the fields of spirituality and metaphysics.


David Bumblebee - Cross Pollinator of the Science Cosmos with the Spiritual Cosmos

Awakening Your Cosmic Crystal Antenna: Harnessing Solar Energies for Enhanced Intuition and Psychic Awareness

David Gadfly

David's presentation offers a captivating exploration of the interplay between cosmic phenomena and human consciousness. He delves into the intriguing concept of the "Solar Song" - the idea that solar activity, such as solar storms and flares, communicates with us on a subconscious level, modulating our intuitive emotions much like a cosmic radio broadcast. David explains how these electromagnetic disturbances can impact our behavior without our conscious awareness.
He further illuminates the experiences of lightworkers who, through meditation and biofeedback, have honed their ability to tune into these cosmic energies. They can "hear" and "see" the solar song, experiencing vivid colors and lights during meditation, which is indicative of their third eye awakening. This connection to the cosmos, according to David, is akin to a spiritual communication channel, where energy is both received and transmitted, often referred to as praying. He will demonstrate how we can tune in using our own cosmic antenna for increased intuition and psychic awareness, highlighting the experiences of lightworkers who connect with these energies through meditation.
David also touches on the scientific side, explaining how solar flares can affect the Earth's ionosphere within minutes of their eruption, demonstrating our immediate connection to the cosmos. He posits that this cosmic connection influences not only humans but animals as well, with solar activity modulating behaviour across species. 
In essence, David's presentation bridges the gap between science and spirituality, suggesting that we are far more connected to the cosmos than we might realise, and that this connection can have profound effects on our inner lives and behaviours.

Fabiene Lui

Fabiene Lui - Intuitive Healer, Light Language Activator

Awakening the Wisdom of the Ancestors

Fabiene Lui is a Shadow Integrator and Light Language Channel/Activator. She is an Ancient Being supporting the Divine Remembrance of Self to those who are awakening to their multidimensional mastery. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, Fabiene holds space for you and is a mirror for you to see what your soul already knows.


The remembrance of our ancestors is not just of our physical lineage. The journey of the ancestors is a three layered experience through the elemental body, the maternal/paternal lineages, and our cosmic inheritance/remembrance. Every living being that has since crossed the death portal and returned its physical body to Gaia continues to nourish and support us in elemental form.


The foundational exploration through elemental wisdom enables us to connect deeper into our inner perspective of our form, function, flow and freedom. The self realisation through the elements then arises in the maternal & paternal lineages where we deepen into the energetic relationships. There we will find a deep well of untapped power, wisdom and support available to us. As we rise up further into the etheric state of Spirit, we open up to our cosmic mastery as we remember our multidimensional soul.


This sacred circle workshop at Uluru where the seeds of humanity first sprung will be so congruent to deeply remember why we are here and how we are resourcing ourselves to create the New Earth.  Experience the potency of Fabiene's workshop to utilise the tools she offers to embody your Divine Truth and explore the harmonics of your soul to create a life powered by the music of your heart, the flow of your inner dance, and the poetry of your voice. â€‹â€‹

Tim Lassig and Elise Kovacs - Source 88 - Sound Healing Trainers

Twin Flame Activation


When Tim & Elise collided in Uluru at the Cosmic Consciousness Conference in January 2019 their lives changed forever. Uniting as Twin Flames was a huge activation, physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually. Very quickly their divine purpose was downloaded to them in early 2019 which at the time didn't really make much sense. They have spent the last 6 years expanding, transforming and living into this divine purpose which they do everyday in their personal lives & business - Source 88. Tim & Elise's divine purpose is to raise the vibration of the planet & activate others to do the same!


On stage they will be sharing with you about their unique & wild twin flame journey, which will spark within you questions such as 'what is my purpose here on Earth at this time? and 'what are my divine superpowers'?


You will be guided through a live process called 'Connecting to the Wisdom of the Gods' which is designed to heighten your connection to Source & your higher self, using sound & vibration of course (with a few other important ingredients).


Tim will also be officially launching his first book on stage called 'Hitchhikers Guide to Ascension - the not so subtle art of awakening'.

To conclude their presentation Tim & Elise will be sharing about how they envision expanding their divine purpose into the world, beyond themselves, and how you can play a part in this too as you connect to your own mission here at this time.



Evan and Steven Strong - Progressive Archeo-Historians

Exploring Uluru's Legacy and Ancient Mysteries

Talk 1: The Uluru Ceremony of 2020 - Empirical Evidence and Mystical Revelations

In their first presentation, attendees will delve into the profound aftermath of the Uluru ceremony completed at the Cosmic Consciousness Conference in 2020. Empirical evidence will be presented to validate the Elders' belief that the ceremony successfully activated the ‘magic box’.  Highlights include:

•    Film evidence of Uluru exploding into a sheet of white light four minutes after the ceremony began and a UFO hovering above Uluru at the same time.

•    A graph showing a one-hundred-fold increase in the Schumann Resonance precisely when the ceremony was in progress.

•    Dozens of photographs and film capturing strange columns of lights in the sky, aligning with Hopi prophesies of Earthly ascension.

•    Unusual bird behaviour - documented instances of birds behaving inexplicably, further supporting the occurrence of significant events.

•    Analysis of a bizarre worldwide phenomenon that underscores the extraordinary impact of the ceremony.


This presentation creates a compelling case for the unprecedented significance of the 2020 Uluru ceremony and its role in Earth's ongoing ascension process.


Talk 2: Unveiling Ancient Anomalies - Skulls, Artefacts, and the First Language


The Strongs' second presentation will explore three interrelated archaeological anomalies:

•    Non-Earthly Skulls: Discover the four skulls found in Australia, which exhibit a non-Earthly/Sapien/hominid ancestry. These skulls have unique features, such as non-sutured structures and humerus bones measuring over 45cm, unlike any known hominid or primate.

•    Atlantean and Lemurian Artefacts: Examine metal rings, statues, and jewellery from Atlantis and Lemuria, made of metals not found in the Earthly Periodic Table. 

•    First Language: Learn about the Soul or Spirit Language, the first language spoken on this planet, which originated in Australia with the assistance of Aliens. Speaking these sacred words aloud is an act of reverence and ascension, leading to new paradigms for the upcoming Earthly ascension.

Join Evan and Steven for these enlightening presentations and gain insights into Earth's mystical past and its ongoing journey towards Cosmic Consciousness.


Steven and Evan are authors, researchers, progressive archeo-historians, speakers on the Out of Australia theory and founders of the ‘Our Alien Ancestry’ Conference.


Steven Strong is a researcher, author and former high school teacher with a background in archaeology. He was involved in the formation of a Graduate Diploma of Aboriginal Education for the NSW Department of Education, writing units on Traditional Law and Contemporary History. He also co-authored the highly successful "Aboriginal Australia: A Language and Cultural kit" and has written over a dozen articles on Original history and lore for the National Indigenous Times, with four articles also appearing in New Dawn magazine.

Evan Strong is a researcher, historian and author with a Bachelor degree in the Social Sciences, majoring in psychology and archaeology/anthropology.

Rachel Vaughan - Psychic Medium and Leyline Seer

Unlocking the Mysteries of Leylines and Portals

Be ready for a mind-blowing presentation from Rachel, a psychic medium with over 21 years of experience and 12,000 readings, as she shares her profound insights at the Cosmic Consciousness Conference. 


Rachel will delve into the fascinating world of energetic protection systems, spirit guides, and faery entities. She'll discuss the realms of ghosts, angelic beings, and shadow entities. Importantly she'll give you fascinating insights into how she sees leylines, portals and geophysical energies - and you can too! She will also explain the powerful leylines that intersect at Uluru and guide us all to neutralise any dark energy they may have been implanted with.


Rachel will talk about the art of aura reading, distinguishing levels of soul development through auric colour and frequency, and how this enhances your psychic abilities and raises your vibration. This will be a compelling presentation, not to be missed.

Joanna Walden - Visionary Transformation Specialist & Multidimensional Channel

Cosmic Activation Experience: Heart Technology To Unlock Your Divine Potential

Joanna is a transformational guide, author, and activator specializing in Heart Technology. This practice utilises the heart space as a multidimensional tool for enhancing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being, fast-tracking the embodiment of our true selves. By merging dimensions within the quantum field, Heart Technology offers a profound experience of our true nature, facilitating connection, alignment, alchemy, portal creation, visioning, and more.


Join Joanna in her potent and experiential session as she:

  • shares her unique wisdom on Heart Technology

  • delivers a channelled message tailored for you and the group

  • guides you through an experiential multidimensional activation using sound and light to unlock your unique divine template.


Joanna is the author of The Inside Hustle: A Mystical Misfit’s Travel Adventure into the Unknown and A Beautiful Radical Truth: Wisdom From Another Realm. Her books expand consciousness, recalibrate personal frequency, and guide readers to their true selves during these chaotic times.


Joanna is devoted to raising consciousness and activating the divine remembrance of our true selves as multidimensional masters. She channels energy activations to create change within you and your bodies of light, helping you access profound truths. Joanna also leads retreats at sacred sites in New Zealand and around the world, offering unparalleled activation experiences.


Eesha Patel - Quantum Wealth Activator, Galactic Ambassador

Your Spiritual Self and Material Wealth

As spiritual healers, guides, and heart-centred souls, one of the biggest challenges is the ability to be financially rewarded for our work. We all want to do what's in the highest good for all, but sometimes we give too much of ourselves away and this makes completing our mission difficult. Money is an essential part of being able to fully complete our spiritual mission and magnify who we are, so is there a way to integrate our spiritual self with material wealth?


Eesha has explored this topic extensively with her galactic guides and discovered that there is a way to bring the two worlds together - without compromising on your spiritual integrity. She has helped countless soulpreneurs activate their money magnet to achieve 6 figure incomes. She will show you the key principles to attaining soul-aligned wealth, how to quantum leap your manifestation, and how to work with your spirit guides to truly bring forth your life's work and purpose - abundantly. In this workshop-style talk, you will learn valuable insights about wealth, and experience a frequency activation to help you experience lasting change that you can take forward into your life.

Eesha Patel is a Galactic Ambassador for the Galactic Federation. A profound awakening in 2015 set Eesha on a journey of exploring consciousness. The results have been nothing short of phenomenal with spontaneous healing and awakenings being the norm in Eesha's world. Her work has been featured in prominent media including Channel 10, Channel 7, Radio Fremantle and Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. Eesha is a trailblazer and thought leader in the field of galactic consciousness. Her work has received endorsements from world-class researchers in UAP/UFOs, including Professor Avi Loeb.

Within the past decade Eesha has connected with over 20 unique galactic races including humanoid and non-humanoid beings that exist with this vast multiverse. She holds a solid experiential understanding of our multidimensional universe. Her clear frameworks and methodology has allowed her to teach this work to thousands around the world. Eesha’s vision is peaceful open contact with our galactic family by 2027 and her mission is to lead this global level awakening through her teaching, speaking, facilitation, and courses.

Eesha leads visionary entrepreneurs into discovering their own galactic soul family through her bespoke and luxury galactic experiences. Eesha is also host of the podcast First Contact which is leading the conversation around how humanity can peacefully awaken and connect with our intergalactic family.


You can connect with Eesha Patel at


Aurora Pagonis - Leadership and Empowerment Facilitator

Sacred Conversations

Sacred Conversations is a workshop facilitated by Aurora that offer you the opportunity to give voice to what you are personally experiencing at the Cosmic Consciousness Conference in sacred space. These sacred conversations aim to connect, inspire and ignite you to a new way of being. Embracing ancient oracular technology to capture the divine intelligence that is revealed to us as way-showers as we come together to co-create and usher in the New Earth.

In good company, you will be invited to drop into presence and listen deeply. As you take your awareness into your heart, your impulse to share through your voice allows for your direct knowing to become available. In the spoken word, it becomes present in form of personal and collective insights. You will also experience witnessing others expressing their truth and in feeling them, an ignition and embodiment of our evolutionary codes becomes activated.
Sacred Conversations will allow you the chance to integrate the teachings of the day at the Conference and the opportunity to make new friends as you meet other delegates in a deeply connected way. It is held in a 90- minute circle of mindfulness, authentic dialogue, deep contemplation, dyads and group sharing as well as Satsung style “Heart-Seat” reflections. Aurora’s ability to connect deeply with her groups and invoke emotional engagement are two of her endearing qualities as a coach and as a speaker.

Aurora is a leadership and empowerment facilitator, inspirational speaker and international retreat leader. She believes that there is a new era of consciousness emerging in the world. One that requires the awakening of feminine intelligence in both women and in the men, to ignite a new heart centred form of leadership to create the transformation required on the planet. Aurora now works with groups and delivers workshops, retreats and inspirational talks to encourage people rise into their own greatness. She is the founder of She Speaks, empowering women to express their unique gifts into the world and deliver to their calling and in business plus walking the path of spiritual and emotional expansion. Aurora brings an integrated well-balanced approach to her contribution. She is also the co-founder of She Rises Travel a transformative luxury travel offering and The White Rose Initiations a pathway for peace for women leaders.


Find out more about Aurora -  and

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