Kathryn Hand, Cosmic Consciousness Conference Co-organiser
Several years ago, Mick and I had our first visit to the Kariong Glyphs. We knew precious little about them at that time, aside from knowing that we were going to an unmarked mysterious site with a remarkable combination of Egyptian and Aboriginal culture. There are many different versions of what these Egyptian-like hieroglyphs are. Carved into two parallel vertical walls of stone at the sacred site in the Brisbane Waters National Park, the glyphs have been an ongoing source of controversy for decades.
Academics term the carvings as 'Pseudo- Egyptian' and claim they are a hoax. There's one story that says a local pig farmer carved the 300 symbols after he returned from WW1, having served time in Cairo.
One thing is for sure, the place is mystical. If the glyphs are authentic, as believed by many, then this would re-write Australian history. The remarkable hieroglyphs indicate the presence of Egyptians in Australia around 5,000 years ago, which means these glyphs form a pivotal and historic epitaph to our history that few would have contemplated. [No wonder the site is now under threat by a development.]
One believer is Sean Vandenberg . Sean is a multi award-winning Creative Director with over 20 years’ experience in the television and music industry. He's been making a documentary about the glyphs for the past 10 years,
We recently went back to the site escorted by Sean. The knowledge and research he's accrued over the past 10 or more years is enormous. His passion for the place was evident and his mentor, the late Aunty Bev Spiers, who was a Darkinjung Elder of the country at Kariong, gave him a deep insight bout the area.
Two of our speakers, the father and son team, Steve and Even Strong, are well known for their ancient origins work and the 'Out of Australia' theory. They have also researched and written large amounts about the Kariong glyphs.
Steve Strong often talks about a piece of jewellery that Koa elder, Aunty Minnie Mace, found at the site. One of the locals that work around the site, Dan, located five metallic objects in the shaft, the last of which had the whole team excited; it was a piece of crystal embedded in metal.
Steve writes "Uncle Reuben Kelly, highly respected Dhungutti Elder, tells us: 'Our legends tell us that we came to this planet on a space ship made of energy. When it hit this atmosphere, it turned to crystal' … and crashed. Could it be that we have physical evidence of the explosion? The small piece of metal measures 3cms in diameter, and has a rectangular crystal embedded within it – which leaves no doubt that the metal was molten when the crystal was set inside. Extremely high temperatures were part of its creation, but whatever took place and whenever it occurred, it certainly wasn’t manufactured by the Original people.
Its proximity to the walls, the other metal objects found nearby, and the corroborating accounts given by Original Elders of an alien vessel crashing nearby leave us with three possibilities: it is either Pleiadian, ancient Egyptian (running a distant second)… or yet another part of a devious and highly elaborate hoax." [1]
Valerie Barrow, author of Alcheringa, has been a speaker at our events for several years now. She echoes the beliefs of many Kariong researchers that say it seems that there are two types of glphys, some of which are so ancient, they are barely recorded in Egyptology textbooks.
Valerie says: "It emerges that there are two sets of hieroglyphs reflecting two different important journeys from Ancient Egypt to Australia. We have had much help from translators and researchers (and there is much more research needed), and material has been discovered which exposes the travels of Phoenicians from the Mediterranean to Australia’s shores, then called the Dreamtime. There were royal princes, one of whom had died from snake bite in Australia and had to be returned to the Royal Tomb of Giza. “Upstairs”, in the person of Alcheringa (who has given channellings at Kariong) and more lately Jalarm of the Mystery School, have helped us piece together the puzzle of two missions with two princes, both of whom had a club foot." [2]
Apart from the glyphs, perhaps even more energetically compelling are some significant places nearby. There's a tomb (now covered over), the Grandmother Tree, a women's healing table to name a few. One area of rock shows that this was undoubtedly a significant ceremonial site.
On our first visit, I lay on the women's healing bed. This slab of smooth, reclining rock looks insignificant. But laying on it was like being plugged into a time travelling machine. I was catapulted into a profound understanding of my feminine lineage all the way back to the stars. I saw and felt the maternal connections one after the other in a way that moved me to tears.
At our visit last week on 2/11/2020, we travelled into the site with Source 88 sound healers, Tim & Elise who are sound healers for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference in December and setting the scene vibrationally as we prepare for the Great Conjunction and Age of Aquarius. Our Ground Crew leader, Carmel, was also with us.
Our lighthearted chatter and curious questioning of Sean, soon turned into reverence as we took time to absorb the energy of the 'Grandmother Tree'. This magical place to sit, protecting the pathway into the glyphs, is a beautiful spot to be nurtured and embraced by the energy of this magnificent gnarly tree. It is a comforting position to connect with Earth, and balance the energy before moving into the rocks containing the glyphs. Taking a few moments to ground there brings forth visions and pushes emotions to the surface.
After giving this beautiful tree a wide hug and still feeling dwarfed, I sat with my back against her broad, wise trunk. Sitting next to Elise, we went into our zones while Tim played healing sounds on crystals bowls. I was rewarded with a glowing vision of an eye, very similar to the Eye of Horus. My momentary self-doubt that I was making it up was quickly swept away when Tim reported seeing an eye on the side of the tree while he was playing. The Eye was to be a theme that came up time and time again that day.

Sean then directed us up through the glyphs and onto a rock ledge just below the healing table. A swirling upraised pattern of rock almost compelled us to step inside, yet we resisted the urge. Sean said that this strange pattern on the rock has been confirmed as being formed by a vortex - maybe water or energy. We realised that it looked like an eternity symbol, which is significant to us, as both Tim and Elise, and Mick and myself, are twin flame couples
At this point Sean left us to ourselves. All five of us went into silent meditations sitting around the vortex and we had significantly similar experiences. Everything that occurred was in direct relation to healing humanity, clearing any stagnancy or dirty energy, and the purpose of going to Uluru in December. It was moving and profound to say the least.
Many years ago Mick and myself discovered we had lived on Maldek for about 1,000 years and at the time of the demise of Maldek we had been the reigning sovereign heads and lost our daughter in the explosion. (And when you see us, ask us to tell you the story about the shared memory of the Maldek explosion that George Kavassilas discovered we had in common - another mind blowing moment).
The Maldek connection with Uluru and Egypt has come up before, and that day it became evident there's a Maldekian missing piece of the puzzle to be found. Many of us alive at this time are here to re-do what we got wrong at the fall of ancient civilisations that we were a part of. In any case, I digress now to a whole different subject that I have previously written many blogs about, so let's get back to our visit to Kariong.
The synchronicities that then unfolded are those types of moments when, perhaps to fully understand, you just had to be there. We kept on finding ourselves saying 'Ya can't make this shit up'!! It's become our catch cry over the past couple of years!
Making our way back down through the glyphs, we 'bumped' into a man. Looking like a long-bearded, wise wizard, we ended up spellbound by this local known as Wayne. He was an oracle of information. Wayne is one of those rare types of highly spiritual beings, literally surviving from the energy of the earth and the sun. He's been sungazing for 6 years now, imbibing nothing more than milk and water. Wayne was a font of fascinating knowledge on everything from the symbols on the walls, to the history of the area, sacred geometry, Atlantas, Egyptian pyramids and so much more. He told us about an eye of light that often forms between the two glyph walls like an eye shaped rainbow.
Every single word that came out of his mouth had meaning. He was vibrationally in resonance with everything that we were there for. I almost wonder if he was there in physical form or whether he was an apparition sent to us from another higher realm that we were temporarily emanating at.
After perhaps half an hour of totally mind-blowing conversation, that rang bells for us all on every level, Wayne said he was called to go to Uluru. Of course! He said he had important work to do there, which I won't share here to respect his mission. I suggested to him that 21 December might be the time for him to undertake it, and he agreed that it could be so.
Bidding farewell to Wayne with hugs that seemed oddly earthly after the un-earthly experience we had just shared, we buzzed our way back to the entrance, back into the world we had come from, totally changed.
In many ways, our visit to the sacred site at Kariong was the single most acute transformational shift I have experienced throughout the plandemic. It was a turning point.
That night, my meditation rewarded me with a startling epiphany about who needs to be at the Cosmic Consciousness Conference and, most importantly, WHY we need to be there. I'll leave that to share with the delegates on our next Zoom call. The following day an offer came to us that confirmed the information that had been revealed to me the night before. Everything is flowing. The meditation we'd done at that vortex definitely cleared the way for wonderful things again.
In another synchronistic twist, another day or so later, I was very honoured to be invited by Valerie Barrow to join her and a a team of ladies to the glyphs for women's business on the next significant date.
Not yet completely understanding the bigger picture of why the Glyphs, Uluru and Pleiadies are all prominently coming together in our awareness right now, is one of those magical adventures that reveals itself in divine time. I'm sure more will be come to the surface very, very soon!
It's no coincidence that the Strongs, Aunty Minnie Mace, Valerie Barrow and Sean Vanderberg are all coming to the Cosmic Consciousness Conference at Uluru for this upcoming triple event - the December solstice, the Great Conjunction and the new Age of Aquarius.
And, shall we meet Wayne again at Uluru? We hope so.
Apa yang kami, serta AMI, mekanik lokal Anda dan semua publikasi sepeda motor lainnya yang telah dilakukan hanyalah mengulangi apa yang telah diajarkan dengan hati-hati untuk dipercayai selama bertahun-tahun. https://www.domicibulkova.com/rekomendasi-oli-motor-matic-terbaik-di-indonesia/ Satu-satunya masalah dengan pendekatan ini adalah bahwa satu-satunya sumber informasi kami adalah orang-orang yang memperoleh keuntungan dari keyakinan kami akan keunggulan oli khusus sepeda motor.
Meregangkan Kebenaran - Hanya Sedikit
Produsen oli sepeda motor membuat banyak klaim untuk produk mereka, beberapa di antaranya sangat sulit dibuktikan, dan yang lainnya sudah ketinggalan zaman dan tidak lagi berlaku. Ini bukan untuk mengatakan bahwa semua klaim yang dibuat untuk keunggulan oli sepeda motor selalu salah,
hanya saja perbedaan aktual antara mereka dan rekan otomotif mereka mungkin jauh lebih sedikit daripada yang selama ini…
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