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The Lightworkers' Roadmap - the 5Rs

Writer's picture: Cosmic Consciousness OrganisersCosmic Consciousness Organisers

Earth’s New Pathway into Light - Humanity’s Hidden Heart of Ascension

Our roadmap to Earth's new pathway into light, and humanity's hidden heart of ascension is the 5Rs. But what are the 5Rs? You may have noticed this year's theme for the Cosmic Consciousness is the 5Rs:

  • Reclamation

  • Rise

  • Return

  • Reset

  • Re-evolution

David Emery, alternative history researcher and archeo-cosmologist, says that this is a totally unique experience occurring in our universal matrix! It has happened in just a few universal matrices before but VERY rare - anywhere in the Cosmos. He will be sharing what this means for us at the Cosmic Consciousness Conference.

Dave says "So my talk will have to encompass a very brief history of our universe! Hope you all won't mind - so I can show you the reasons for the 5RRRs! Our normal expansion processes were designed for something entirely different - hence the unusual nature of THIS universal protocol."

If you are reading this, there's a good chance that this does not surprise you. You may be aware at some level what your role is and have observed your awareness expanding.

"In every moment now many Angelic humans are expanding their awareness of who they are and of their special collective - and personal - purpose here on Earth. We have had to take our ‘time’ to get here - where we are - and NONE of it was without distortion, confusion, dislocation of purpose and replacement of so much that was true with so much that was not" Dave explains.

The Hopi Indians predicted that there would be five worlds and that the fifth world would see a shift - in almost all we ever knew in our fractured past - and which would witness our collective expansion into all we have always been yet had so definitively forgotten.

"All Angelic Humans are a part of this vast energetic shift and their unique and sacred encryption held within their DNA, is about to blossom forth in a cascade of essential-energy, connecting ALL of Earth’s life-field and allowing it to ‘breathe’ the illumined air of true Source-Life."

Your pathway into the Divine Light of Truth is clear and straight and now is the time - to FEEL it all - and to become, eternally, ALL that you are and have always been.

We know that these are certainly epic times we're living through, and not without huge challenges that have taken us to this point. Having someone like Dave Emery help navigate through this and understand more about the hidden heart of humanity, and the pathway into Earth's new light, certainly makes it a lot easier.

It's not too late to join us on Norfolk Island to spend time with other lightworkers and together we can all move into a higher consciousness and listen to enlightening presentations from people like Dave and other passionate facilitators.

To find out more visit the website

The next Conference will be held at the Paradise Hotel, Norfolk Island from 2-5 May 2023 in line with the 555 Lemurian Gateway.

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